Thank you for visiting us online. Scroll down below to learn more about our church.
We gather for worship every Saturday at 4:30pm in the heart of downtown El Cajon. We'd love for you to join us! We recomend arriving 10-15 minutes prior to the gathering. There is plenty of parking at the church and encourage you to come dressed comfortably. We hope you'll join us.
First Baptist Church
190 E Douglas Avenue
El Cajon, CA 92020

For some people going anywhere for the first time can be a bit of an uncertain experience. To help avoid any worries here’s a quick summary of what you can expect at any of our gatherings.
People show up prior to gathering, find a seat and spend time greeting one another. The gathering usually begins with a reading from the Bible. A music team leads the congregation in song both at the beginning and end of the gathering.
The sermon, or teaching, is based on the Bible and is designed to help us understand God, who we are, and the world we live in. After the sermon we enter into a time of communion to thank God and remind ourselves of our love and need for Jesus Christ.
The gathering usually concludes with a few announcements and a benediction. After the gathering, people often spend time enjoying one another’s company, then frequently go in groups to dinner.

kaleo kids
Children are of utmost
importance to us!
It's the desire of our church to partner with parents to teach children how Jesus Christ is the hero of the entire story of the Bible. We believe that making disciples starts at home, so we want to walk alongside of parents and families to help equip them to lead their children well.
The church is a family of diverse sinners adopted by God as his precious children. Missional Communities help us live our identity as family. As a family, we gather together weekly in order to speak the truth in love to each other and remind each other to keep Jesus first in our lives.
We also believe that together we can do more to reach the lost in our city than we could ever on our own, so our communities give us an opportunity to live on mission together.